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API Status Codes the Statum APIs

Understanding API status codes is crucial for effective API integration and error handling. Our APIs adhere to standard HTTP status codes to indicate the result of API requests. Below is a comprehensive list of status codes you may encounter, including their meanings and what actions to take for each code.

Common HTTP Status Codes

Here’s a list of status codes, including common error codes, their meanings, and suggested actions:

Status Code Meaning Suggested Action
200 Success Request was successful and the response contains the requested data.
400 Bad Request There was an issue with the request format or parameters. Check your request for errors.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials are missing or incorrect. Verify your API key or access token.
402 Payment Required Insufficient funds or payment issues. Ensure your account is properly funded.
403 Forbidden You do not have permission to access the requested resource. Check your user permissions.
404 Not Found The requested resource could not be found. Verify the URL or resource identifier.
405 Method Not Allowed The HTTP method used is not supported for the requested resource. Use the correct method (e.g., GET, POST).
406 Not Acceptable The requested format is not supported. Ensure your request header specifies a supported format (e.g., JSON).
410 Gone The resource requested is no longer available. Check if the resource has been moved or deleted.
422 Unprocessable Entity The request is well-formed but contains semantic errors. Review the request data for correctness.
429 Too Many Requests Rate limit exceeded. Implement rate limiting or backoff strategies to avoid hitting the limit.
500 Internal Server Error An error occurred on the server. Retry the request after a short period or contact support if the issue persists.
503 Service Unavailable The server is temporarily down for maintenance. Try again later.
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